Jürgen Pahle and Sven Sahle (BioQuant Centre, Heidelberg University) organised a COPASI tutorial at the International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB2024), 30. November – 5. December 2024, at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay), Mumbai, India.
This conference was the first one in the ICSB conference series taking place in India.
During the tutorial on 1. December 2024 (Victor Menezes Convention Centre (VMCC), IIT Bombay, Mumbai) we introduced the participants to the basic functionality and some more advanced features of our software COPASI for the modelling, simulation and analysis of biochemical systems. In particular, we covered parameter estimation in COPASI and the use of our companion software CoRC. The COPASI R Connector (CoRC) provides a high-level API for COPASI’s simulation and analysis backend that can be used comfortably from the R programming environment or in R Markdown or Shiny documents.