J.C.J. Daas, J.D. Förster and J. Pahle (2022) Dynamic Publication Media with the COPASI R Connector (CoRC). Mathematical Biosciences, 348:108822, doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2022.108822
J. Förster, F.T. Bergmann and J. Pahle (2021) CoRC – the COPASI R Connector. Bioinformatics, 37(17):2778-2779, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btab033
M. Zauser (2021) Communication in Plants: Analysis and Modeling of Calcium Signatures in Arabidopsis thaliana Dissertation, Heidelberg University,doi:10.11588/heidok.00030325
E. Stalidzans, M. Zanin, P. Tieri, F. Castiglione, A. Polster, S. Scheiner, J. Pahle, B. Stres, M. List, J. Baumbach, M. Lautizi, K. Van Steen and H.H.H.W. Schmidt (2020) Mechanistic modeling and multiscale applications for precision medicine: theory and practice. Network and Systems Medicine3(1):36-56, doi:10.1089/nsm.2020.0002
N.J. Stanford, M. Scharm, P.D. Dobson, M.Golebiewski, M. Hucka, V.B. Kothamachu, D. Nickerson, S. Owen, J. Pahle, U. Wittig, D. Waltemath, C. Goble, P. Mendes and J. Snoep (2019) Data Management in Computational Systems Biology: Exploring Standards, Tools, Databases, and Packaging Best Practices. Book chapter in Yeast Systems Biology pp. 285-314, doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-9736-7_17
A. Schoch (2019) Quantitative Analysis of Information Transfer in Signal Transduction. Dissertation, Heidelberg University,doi.org/10.11588/heidok.00026833
S. Kaspar (2019) The role of promoter architecture in transduction, integration and multiplexing of environmental signals in bacteria. Dissertation, Heidelberg University,doi.org/10.11588/heidok.00026814
A. Schoch and J. Pahle (2019) Requirements for band-pass activation of Ca2+-sensitive proteins such as NFAT. Biophysical Chemistry245:41-52, doi:10.1016/j.bpc.2018.10.005
F.T. Bergmann, S. Hoops, B. Klahn, U. Kummer, P. Mendes, J. Pahle and S. Sahle (2017) COPASI and its Applications in Biotechnology. Journal of Biotechnology261:215, doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.06.1200
F. Graw, F. Matthäus and J. Pahle (eds.) (2017) Modeling Cellular Systems, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-45831-1, springer.com, amazon.de, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45833-5
P.H.G.M. Willems, J. Pahle, X.L. Stalpers, D. Mugahid, A. Nikolaew, W.J.H. Koopman and U. Kummer (2015) PKC-mediated inhibitory feedback of the cholecystokinin 1 receptor controls the shape of oscillatory Ca2+ signals. FEBS Journal282(11):2187-2201, doi:10.1111/febs.13267
C. Zimmer, S. Sahle and J. Pahle (2015) Exploiting intrinsic fluctuations to identify model parameters. IET Systems Biology9(2):64-73, doi:10.1049/iet-syb.2014.0010
H. Summersgill, H. England, G. López-Castejón, C.B. Lawrence, N.M. Luheshi, J. Pahle, P. Mendes and D. Brough (2014) Zinc depletion regulates the processing and secretion of IL-1β. Cell Death and Disease5:e1040, doi:10.1038/cddis.2013.547
H. Firczuk, S. Kannambath, J. Pahle, A. Claydon, R. Beynon, J. Duncan, H. Westerhoff, P. Mendes and J.E.G. McCarthy (2013) An in vivo control map for the eukaryotic mRNA translation machinery. Molecular Systems Biology9:635, doi:10.1038/msb.2012.73
J.D. Challenger, A.J. McKane and J. Pahle (2012) Multi-compartment linear noise approximation. J. Stat. Mech.2012(11):P11010, doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2012/11/P11010
J. Pahle, J.D. Challenger, P. Mendes and A.J. McKane (2012) Biochemical fluctuations, optimisation and the linear noise approximation. BMC Systems Biology6:86, doi:10.1186/1752-0509-6-86
Lecture “Computational Systems Biology” (2012) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany (April 2012 – September 2012), website/material
Seminar “Information processing in living systems” (2012) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany (June 2012), website/material
B.G. Small, B.W. McColl, R. Allmendinger, J. Pahle, G. López-Castejón, N.J. Rothwell, J. Knowles, P. Mendes, D. Brough and D.B. Kell (2011) Efficient discovery of anti-inflammatory small-molecule combinations using evolutionary computing. Nature Chemical Biology7:902-908, doi:10.1038/nchembio.689
J. Pahle (2009) Biochemical simulations: stochastic, approximate stochastic and hybrid approaches. Briefings in Bioinformatics10(1):53-64, doi:10.1093/bib/bbn050
J. Pahle, A.K. Green, C.J. Dixon and U. Kummer (2008) Information transfer in signaling pathways: a study using coupled simulated and experimental data. BMC Bioinformatics9:139, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-139
R. Gauges, U. Kummer, J. Pahle and P. Willy (eds.) (2008) Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Computation of Biochemical Pathways and Genetic Networks, Bioquant, Heidelberg, September 22-23, 2008, Logos-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8325-1993-3, Logos-Verlag, amazon.de
J. Pahle (2008) Stochastic simulation and analysis of biochemical networks. Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I, urn:nbn:de:kobv:11-10090448
Presentation “Information transfer in calcium signal transduction” (2007) European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS) 2007, Dresden, Germany, October 1, 2007, videolectures.net
K. Fortney, J. Pahle, J. Delgado, G. Obernosterer, V. Shah, M. Wojnowicz and N. Qaisar (2007) Effects of simulated brain damage on small-world neural networks. Proceedings of the Complex Systems Summer School 2007, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 3-29, 2007, pdf
O. Bochmann, J.T. Lizier, J. Mahoney, G. Obernosterer and J. Pahle (2007) Computational mechanics and information measures in food webs. Proceedings of the Complex Systems Summer School 2007, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 3-29, 2007, pdf
S. Hoops, S. Sahle, R. Gauges, C. Lee, J. Pahle, N. Simus, M. Singhal, L. Xu, P. Mendes and U. Kummer (2006) COPASI – a COmplex PAthway SImulator. Bioinformatics22(24):3067, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btl485
I. Surovtsova, S. Sahle, J. Pahle and U. Kummer (2006) Approaches to complexity reduction in a systems biology research environment (Sycamore). Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, December 3-6, 2006, p. 1683, doi:10.1109/WSC.2006.322943
S. Sahle, R. Gauges, J. Pahle, N. Simus, U. Kummer, S. Hoops, C. Lee, M. Singhal, L. Xu and P. Mendes (2006) Simulation of biochemical networks using Copasi – a complex pathway simulator. Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, December 3-6, 2006, p. 1698, doi:10.1109/WSC.2006.322945
U. Kummer, B. Krajnc, J. Pahle, A.K. Green, C.J. Dixon and M. Marhl (2005) Transition from stochastic to deterministic behavior in calcium oscillations. Biophysical Journal89(3):1603, doi:10.1529/biophysj.104.057216
U. Kummer, J. Pahle, I. Surovtsova and J. Zobeley (eds.) (2005) Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computation of Biochemical Pathways and Genetic Networks, Villa-Bosch, Heidelberg, September 12-13, 2005, Logos-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8325-1018-3, Logos-Verlag, amazon.de
R. Gauges, U. Kummer, J. Pahle and U. Rost (eds.) (2003) Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computation of Biochemical Pathways and Genetic Networks, Villa-Bosch, Heidelberg, October 6-7, 2003, Logos-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8325-0375-8, Logos-Verlag, amazon.de
J. Pahle, I. Valova, G. Georgiev, N. Georgieva (2000) Oscillatory simulation of mitral and granule cell behavior in the olfactory bulb. Proceedings of the IC-AI 2000, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 26-29, 2000, p. 483, pdf