COPASI – The Complex Pathway Simulator
COPASI website:
There, you can download COPASI, find documentation and examples and our COPASI user forum.
If you use COPASI, please cite:
S. Hoops, S. Sahle, R. Gauges, C. Lee, J. Pahle, N. Simus, M. Singhal, L. Xu, P. Mendes and U. Kummer (2006)
COPASI – a COmplex PAthway SImulator.
Bioinformatics 22(24):3067, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btl485
We will be using one of the example models provided by Copasi:
File → Examples → COPASI Files → CircadianClock.cps
Parameter Estimation
- CircadianClock_2_fit.cps (COPASI file)
- data2.txt (data file)
CoRC – The COPASI R Connector
You can find much more information on CoRC at There, we provide installation instructions, documentation and many examples. CoRC is free and open source and the code is available as a github repository at
If you use CoRC, please cite our publication:
J. Förster, F.T. Bergmann and J. Pahle (2021)
CoRC: the COPASI R Connector.
Bioinformatics 37(17):2778-2779, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btab033
In case you are interested in creating dynamic publication media with RMarkdown, Shiny and/or Jupyter, we provide many practical examples for that at
and our publication:
J.C.J. Daas, J.D. Förster and J. Pahle (2022)
Dynamic Publication Media with the COPASI R Connector (CoRC)
Mathematical Biosciences 348:108822, doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2022.108822
We recommend you install RStudio, which provides a comfortable graphical user interface for R with support for plotting, package management, git, etc.
The basic version is free and open source.
ICSB 2023 COPASI tutorial files:
- Slides: 2023-10-09_CoRC_JuergenPahle.pdf
- Worksheets (RMarkdown (.Rmd), or R scripts (.R)): First steps
CoRCWorksheet_firstSteps.Rmd (RMarkdown file)
CoRCWorksheet_firstSteps.pdf (pdf version) - Worksheet and files: Parameter Estimation
CoRCWorksheet_parameterEstimation.Rmd (RMarkdown file)
CoRCWorksheet_parameterEstimation.pdf (pdf version)
CircadianClock_2.xml (SBML model file)
data2_CoRC.txt (data file)