Our team is present at the ICSB 2018 in Lyon, from 28. October to 1. November 2018.
Martin Zauser gives a talk titled “Automated image analysis and modeling of calcium waves in plant roots” (Co-authors: Rik Brugman, Janos Löffler, Guido Grossmann & Jürgen Pahle) and we present the following posters:
- Arne Schoch & Jürgen Pahle “Structural Models for Frequency-Decoding in Calcium Signalling – How Topological Features Allow for Band-Pass Activation”
- Irina Surovtsova & Jürgen Pahle “Investigating functional connections in biological networks using transfer entropy: Pitfalls and how to avoid them”
- Jonas Förster & Jürgen Pahle “CoRC – the Copasi R Connector”
In addition Jürgen Pahle is an instructor at both the COMBINE tutorial and the Advanced modelling with COPASI-tutorial on 27. October, just before the main conference.